Dawei's third grandpa and grandma, who live in Jinan, took us around the city to show us famous springs. Near the springs there were lines of people waiting to get some spring water into containers. We drank water from one of the springs just to check the taste and I must say that water was fresh and cold. For water drinkers Jinan is an excellent spot:)
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Jinan in Shandong Province
Dawei's third grandpa and grandma, who live in Jinan, took us around the city to show us famous springs. Near the springs there were lines of people waiting to get some spring water into containers. We drank water from one of the springs just to check the taste and I must say that water was fresh and cold. For water drinkers Jinan is an excellent spot:)
Saturday, December 27, 2008
The city was a capital of the Southern Song Dynasty in 12th century.
The Venetian Marco Polo visited Hangzhou in the late 13th century and in his book he refers to the city as "beyond dispute the finest and the noblest in the world."
We stayed there for few days in November 2008 and we definitely are going back there again maybe sometime during summer. The city is so beautiful with its all historic relics and of course eye-catching nature.
Hangzhou is a great mystic place for holidays and people there are so honest and friendly. Both my husband and I were very pleased to stay there.
One of Hangzhou's most popular sights is West Lake which we saw on the first day. The lake covers an area of 6 square kilometers and includes some of Hangzhou's most famous historic and scenic places. We climbed hills around the lake but probably we should visit famous Buddhist temples instead like everyone else was doing. Anyway I didn’t regret that decision as we had great time.
We of course went to Old China Street on He Fang Street where there are a lot of old style shops offering various kinds of souvenirs including silk and famous Longjing Tea. We bought some tea there as a gift for our relatives but later on some local people told us that we can buy better longjing tea in a local market from farmers as the one we bought already is only for tourists. Well, it is typical but at least we found out soon enough to buy good tea :)
The park is densely crisscrossed with many watercourses, among which there are various ponds and lakes. We spent there whole day and we also took a boat there which was very interesting experience for us. The park itself is divided into few parts which most of them are for free. It is worth to take binoculars as there are many birds to see!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Beiling Park in Shenyang
It takes about 20 minutes from the main entrance to the the Red Gate and it costs 10 yuen to get to the park.
1. In the first part of the park from the large monument at the entrance to the Red Gate we saw marble pillars, stone lions, bridges, stone arches, many sculptures of dragons, tigers, lions, horses, elephants, unicorns, camels, turtles and many other buildings. I took loads of pictures there but of course I am not able to place them all here:) Anyway it is worth to see the place.
Marble pillar in Beiling Park in Shenyang
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
First city atraction we saw after landing in Shanghai airport was 'Yuyuan Garden'. It is really a nice place with all those small shops, little streets around and tea house in the middle, created only for tourists. There was a lot of people from all around the world and for the first time I felt relief because nobody was looking at me! I know this is silly observation but after Shenyang and Jilin where people stop talking when I am entering the restaurant;) it was a good feeling.
Shanghai is huge, fast and of course living in here is very expensive, especially for tourists. All prices are doubled or tripled for foreigners and usualy there is no option for barganing. Good I had support of my chinese husband who could get some presents cheaper;)
Chinese market
Shopping is the most adventurous thing here particularly for foreigners.
For me shopping in a food market was the most interesting thing of all! You can find here anything including alive silkworms, frogs and frozen sharks, and other stuff which I don’t even know names of in my mother language.
Buying clothes and shoes is a totally different thing. I was trying to buy nice shoes for winter and it was really hard to get my size (39) in women’s section. Also I had to buy some clothes in size XL which in
There is one catch in here money wise. Be aware of that sellers will charge you double or even triple times for products if you are a foreigner. Thank God you can always bargain and if you are good in that you can get a fair price. Of course I am in very good position as my Chinese husband always can help me out with bargaining. We bought many little presents for my family for much cheaper price and I know that if I was alone I would pay much more for them.
Although when we visited
Counting 1 to 10 in Chinese

1 (一)

2 (二)

3 (三)

4 (四)

5 (五)

6 (六)

7 (七)

8 (八)
Friday, November 14, 2008
My Family
This is the list of names I had to learn in order to communicate with my family. Don't you think it is too complicated? They are still names of my husband's friends left to remember...
- ma 妈 – mother
- ba 爸 – father
- lao 姥 – grandmother on mother's side
- lao ye 姥爷 – grandfather on mother's side
- da jiu 大舅 – elder uncle on mother's side, da jiu ma 大舅妈 – elder uncle's wife
- da yi 大姨 – elder aunt on mother's side, da yi fu 大姨夫 – elder aunt's husband
- jie 姐 – lit. elder sister, here da yi's daughter, jie fu 姐夫 – elder sister's husband, Ma Yi Ming – first name of their 2 years old son
- lao jiu 姥舅 – elder uncle on mother's side, lao jiu ma 姥舅妈 – elder uncle's wife, Tong Tong – first name of their 14 years old son
- er shu 二叔 – second uncle on father's side, er shen 二婶 – uncle's wife
- san shu 三叔 – third uncle on father's side, san shen 三婶 - uncle's wife
- si shu 四叔 - fourth uncle on father's side, si shen 四婶 - uncle's wife
Thursday, November 13, 2008
We stay in Huanggu District (皇姑区/皇姑區 Huánggū Qū) of the city with my husband’s family. Huanggu District is the site of the large, historical tomb of Huang Taiji (of the Qing Dynasty), called Beiling park 北陵公園.